Saturday, 1 March 2025

28mm battle of Hastings try out

28mm Battle of Hastings try out using Lion Rampant rules with just a long hill. Next year Calne Wargames club hope to put on the demo game battle of Hastings. First thing we did was agree not to have the 3inch between units made sense as you can not have a shield wall with big holes in it . As you can see, we had a long hill and no more scenery on our first game . Game was a lot of fun the Normans did win .Must rember not to come down the hill next time . Some of the photos are from Lee and my shelfe .

Monday, 24 February 2025

25mm Prussian Landwehr and Grenadiers

25mm Prussian Landwehr and Grenadiers One of the lads sold me a bag of figures late last year so over the Christmas holiday started to sort them out ACW in one pile Napoleonic’s in a second one. Some of them have been started painting but not finnishd white undercoated started from scratch . Only make up in two samll units but its a start with a few odd ones I have in my toy cupboard style="clear: both;">

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Re Flocking my French Napoleonic 25mm Infantry

Flocking again all my French Napoleonic Infantry from years past siting on a shelf for to long with lots of dust on them . Light brush with a drop of Water and a quick drying off . Green paint round the edge of the bases . Then on with the flock takes more time then you think to do this . From start to finish and still got the Swiss Infantry to do.